JTP Games

Game Time is Fun Time

You can see my games for sale under JTP Games on The Game Crafter site

You can sign up for my newsletter here (maybe once a quarter)

You can contact me at info@jtpgames.com

This site is constantly under maintenance and testing it seems. Visit my shop page if you're looking for something consistent.

I've been working on board and card games for about 10 years now, and have a wide range of different types of games available. My games generally play quick (under an hour) and all are family friendly.

I use The Game Crafter for producing all my games. They are a print on demand game manufacturer based in Madison WI. I don't produce games in large quantities using overseas companies; the bulk of my sales are done at conventions in person. I enjoy interacting with the people that play my games, and that's the biggest reason I make games; to see people enjoying them.

If you want to know what conventions I'll be at, and to keep up on what I'm doing, you can subscribe to my newsletter. I'm really not good at making regular updates, so you won't get too many emails that way.

Check out the shop if you want to see the different games that I have available.

Hope to see you all at conventions!